Thanks to those who supported the training day by attending and also those unable to attend and do so much behind the scenes. Jack VK4LM and the Weasel Park construction crew comes to mind. Of cause none of this could happen with out the work of Jeff VK4NJB.

Excellent hands on training in message handling, in particular, protocols used for reduction in file size of PDF and excel spreadsheets likely to come from the LDCC IMS.

By converting to text, CSV and/or Jpeg there is a large reduction in file size for transmission using HF. A demonstration of an battery powered handheld scanner by Frank VK4FLR proved very successful.

A another positive achievement, connection was successfully established with the Winlink base station (VK4LM) on 80m with the deployment of a EFHW-80-10M end fed long wire rated to 2kw (135ft long) from the pine trees to the training room end of the building . Signals were not strong at the time of day but noise level about S5 & data messages were successfully transferred , more options & HF trials required to duplicate this on the roof deployment or a workable combination.