Our association participates in the International Lighthouse & Lighthship Weeknd each year at Sea Hill Lighthouse on Curtis Island. In past years we have relied on a third party, namely the caretakers of Sea Hill to transport us to and from the island in their boat. This year, we decided to do something about being self sufficient in using our own transport for this years, and future events in having our own boat.


We obtained a 1979 4.9 metre DeHavilland boat on a Redco trailer with 1993 Johnson 25hp tiller steer outboard. The boat is plated to carry 5 people and was the main reason for the choice, it's very solid in its construction. The Redco trailer of same vintage was the national HQ for steel termites in that it was eaten beyond repair. The outboard was suffering a waterlogged gearbox and making terminal noises, but the power head was in excellent condition. So, for the last 6 months or so, our Wednesday working bee team has attacked the project with a vengeance and ended up with a job they can be very proud of.


The trailer was rebuilt from the A frame back, with a welded galvanised steel chassis, new galvanised axle, springs, wheels and other hardware. The outboard received a rebuilt gearbox and a tune up.  The boat was sanded back to bare metal and under coated, top coats in sea rescue orange and white 2 pack paint, new nav lights, floor panels refurbished and painted with grey paint (4 coats) these were refitted and covered with marine carpet. The boat was totally rewired, including bilge pump. A Honda 2.3hp outboard was fitted as an auxiliary motor. This boat will also be used for our radio and fishing weekends on nearby Islands, when planned.

 A bit tired looking!
The steel termite infested chassis!
A bit more trailer rubble........
The boat as we got it
Ray VK4XXX and Graham VK4GRZ hard at work sanding in the Weasel Park Workshop.
 Chris VK4FGKO welding the trailer chassis while Graham VK4GRZ supervises :-)
Painting in progress by Ray VK4XXX
Getting closer.........
Bob VK4FRC at left, Nev VK4KNB centre look on as Merv VK4DV gets ready to trowel some paint on the internal floorboards!
Everyone pitches in to give a hand.
Finally ready to go, with our website address proudly displayed on both sides :-)
Jack VK4LM near the boat ramp. It looks like it floats.
Ray VK4XXX doing a speed run!