On Tuesday the 10/11 Jeff Brett VK4NJB and Leigh Wilson VK4YLW attended a simulated major event exercise at the LDCC hub Yeppoon. The exercise was code named BULI and involved all emergence services.
One of or our roles was to provide off grid communications between the Hub and Townhall buildings. This was accomplished using and HamMesh network and IP phone system. The HamMesh setup included multiple self-contained solar/battery repeater units as well as two self-contained battery powered IP phone router units. One placed in the comms room of the Hub and the second placed in the Townhall building (Simulated evacuation centre). A number of calls were made using HamMesh phones which operated faultlessly.
We were also tasked with emailing Kedron Disaster Control Centre updates of ongoing operational status and any requirements for further resources. Using VK4LM Winlink base located in Bouldercombe. (Winlink Global Radio Email is a network of amateur radio and authorized government-licensed stations that provides worldwide radio email using radio pathways where the internet is not present. The system is built, operated and administered entirely by licensed "Ham" volunteers.) Also worked faultlessly.
The day of training was very successful and further thanks must go to VK4FLR and VK4KWS for the assistance in setting up the links for the day and operational support on the day when required. And a very big thank you must go to VK4LM for his foresight, knowhow and investment (money and time) for supplying such a wonderful asset that is VK4LM Winlink Base. It’s not only there for Armageddon events, it is also used by sailors on a daily basis to receive weather forecasts, report their positions and to keep in contact with loved ones. I must also mention Dave VK4FAAW for the trust he has placed in our group and the opportunity to show the value of Amateur radio in this modern day world of the internet.
Jeff Brett VK4NJB
EmComs Coordinator